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Solving as network with lowerbounds


In [1], we looked at the following problem:

Mathematical Model
\[ \begin{align} \min& \sum_{i,j} \color{darkblue}a_{i,j} \cdot \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \\ & \sum_j \color{darkblue}a_{i,j}\cdot \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \ge \color{darkblue}r_i && \forall i \\ & \sum_i \color{darkblue}a_{i,j}\cdot \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \ge \color{darkblue}c_j && \forall j \\ & \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \in \{0,1\} \end{align}\]

This is a network problem, so instead of solving it as a MIP, we can solve it as a pure LP or as a min-cost flow network problem. 

Here we try to use some open-source network codes. And thus, we need to formulate the problem as a pure network. This would be relatively straightforward if the algorithm supports lower bounds on the flows. However, most open-source network algorithms don't support these. (I think the C++ library Lemon has a code that supports lower bounds). Here is a workaround when lower bounds are not supported:

Assume we have an edge \(i \rightarrow j\) with bounds \(f_{i,j} \in [\ell,u]\). We can reformulate this as:

    • demand in node \(i\) is \(\ell\)
    • supply in node \(j\) is \(\ell\)
    • capacity of the edge  \(i \rightarrow j\)  becomes \(u-\ell\).

A streamlined version of this is used in my implementations below. 

I will use the following network for our problem:

The orange nodes are supply nodes, while the blue ones are demand nodes.

  • The source node src has a supply of \(\sum_{i,j} \color{darkblue}a_{i,j}-\sum_i \color{darkblue}r_i\). We subtract \(\sum_i \color{darkblue}r_i\) to simulate the lower bounds on the flows \(\mathit{src}\rightarrow i_k\). Part of the output of the source node flows to the assignment network; the rest is unused and goes directly to the sink node snk
  • The nodes \(i\) have a supply of \(\color{darkblue}r_i\). This is to make sure each \(i\) receives at least \(\color{darkblue}r_i\). 
  • The nodes \(j\) have a demand of \(\color{darkblue}c_j\). This is to make sure we obey the lower bound of \(\color{darkblue}c_j\).
  • Finally, the node snk has a demand of \(\sum_{i,j} \color{darkblue}a_{i,j}-\sum_j \color{darkblue}c_j\). 
  • You can verify that the total supply is equal to the total demand.
  • The assignment arcs \(i \rightarrow j\) have a cost of 1 and a capacity of 1.
  • All other arcs have no cost and have unlimited capacity.  I used \(\sum_{i,j} \color{darkblue}a_{i,j}\) to represent "unlimited capacity" where needed.

The Python package networkx has some network solvers. The complete implementation of the model is shown in an appendix. Here we use the same data as in [1] (an LP/MIP with 999,469 variables and 20,500 equations). Constraints correspond to nodes and variables to arcs. We added a source and sink node and some arcs, so we increased the size a little bit. The number of nodes is now 20,502, and the number of arcs is 1,019,970. The results are:

We get the same objective function value as reported in [1]. The performance is not something to write home about. 

Another popular network algorithm can be found in ortools. This is much faster:

Here the network setup is actually more expensive than solving it. One reason for better performance is that the networkx algorithm seems to be written in Python, while ortools uses C++. The underlying algorithms are also different (network simplex vs. scaling push-relabel method). 

Formulate a min-cost flow model and solve as LP

In this section, I do something different. I formulate the original model as a network model (a min-cost flow problem) and then solve it as an LP.  This will allow us to use lower bounds on the flows. This can simplify things a bit. 

The min-cost flow model can look like: 

Min-Cost Flow Model
\[ \begin{align} \min& \sum_{E(v,w)} \color{darkblue}c_{v,w} \cdot \color{darkred}f_{v,w} \\ & \sum_{w|E(w,v)} \color{darkred}f_{w,v} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_v = \sum_{w|E(v,w)} \color{darkred}f_{v,w} && \forall v \\ & \color{darkred}f_{v,w} \in [\color{darkblue}\ell_{v,w},\color{darkblue}u_{v,w}] && \forall E(v,w)  \end{align}\]

Here \(v,w\) are nodes (corresponding to constraints in the LP model), and \(E(v,w)\) are the edges. The lower bounds allow us to simply say that the src node has a supply  \( \color{darkblue}a_{i,j}\), and the snk node has a demand of the same size. The edges \(\mathit{src}\rightarrow i\) and \(j \rightarrow \mathit{snk}\) have a lower bound of \(\color{darkblue}r_i\) and \(\color{darkblue}c_j\). When we solve this we see:

Optimal solution found
Objective:       504711.000000

The complete model is listed in an appendix below. Here we went from an LP model to a network model to another LP model. In practice , of course, we would solve the original LP directly, rather than the network representation. However, it is a nice exercise and we show how lower bounds on the flows can simplify the network in terms of supply and demand on the nodes. I think it is an interesting model 


We can solve the problem in [1] using open-source min-cost flow network solvers, such as the algorithms in networkx and ortools. As they don't support lower bounds on the flows, the modeling requires a bit of thought. 

I think the original LP model is more readable. It is closer to the underlying problem. The network implementation is less straightforward: it contains some non-obvious tricks. 

For this data set, the performance difference between the two solvers (networkx, ortools) is very large: a factor of 160!

To demonstrate a formulation with lower bounds on the flows, I added a min-cost flow model in GAMS. This is solved as an LP. This model looks quite nice, I think.


Appendix: Min-cost flow model networkx implementation

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pickle

#--------------------------------------------------------# import data#--------------------------------------------------------

data = pickle.load(open("c:/tmp/test/arc.pck","rb"))

a = data['a']  # 2d numpy array
r = data['r']  # list of floats
c = data['c']  # list of floats

I = range(len(r))
J = range(len(c))

# these are all integers represented as double precision numbers# convert to integers
a = a.astype(int)
r = [int(r[i]) for i in I]
c = [int(c[j]) for j in J]

suma = np.sum(a)
sumr = sum(r)
sumc = sum(c)

#--------------------------------------------------------# form network#--------------------------------------------------------

G = nx.DiGraph()

## x(i,j) form the bipartite part#for i in I: G.add_node(f'i{i}',demand=-r[i])
for j in J: G.add_node(f'j{j}',demand=c[j])
for i in I:
    for j in J:
        if a[i,j]==1: G.add_edge(f'i{i}',f'j{j}',weight=1,capacity=1)

## add src and snk node#
for i in I: G.add_edge('src',f'i{i}')
for j in J: G.add_edge(f'j{j}','snk')

#--------------------------------------------------------# solve#--------------------------------------------------------

flowCost, flowDict = nx.network_simplex(G)

Appendix: min-cost flow model ortools implementation

import pickle
import numpy as np
from ortools.graph.python import min_cost_flow

#--------------------------------------------------------# import data#--------------------------------------------------------

data = pickle.load(open("c:/tmp/test/arc.pck","rb"))

a = data['a']  # 2d numpy array
r = data['r']  # list of floats
c = data['c']  # list of floats

I = range(len(r))
J = range(len(c))

# these are all integers represented as double precision numbers# convert to integers
a = a.astype(int)
r = [int(r[i]) for i in I]
c = [int(c[j]) for j in J]

suma = np.sum(a) # also functions as largest possible capacity
sumr = sum(r)
sumc = sum(c)

#--------------------------------------------------------# form network#--------------------------------------------------------

mcf = min_cost_flow.SimpleMinCostFlow()

# numbering scheme for the nodes:# i   = 0..len(r)-1# j   = len(r)..len(r)+len(c)-1# src = len(r)+len(c)# snk = len(r)+len(c)+1

src = len(r)+len(c)
snk = src + 1
lenr = len(r)

# assignment part of the graph, i->jfor i in I: 
    for j in J:
        if a[i,j]==1: mcf.add_arcs_with_capacity_and_unit_cost(i,lenr+j,1,1)
# src -> ifor i in I: mcf.add_arcs_with_capacity_and_unit_cost(src,i,suma,0) 
# j -> snkfor j in J: mcf.add_arcs_with_capacity_and_unit_cost(lenr+j,snk,suma,0)
# src -> snk

# suppliesfor i in I: mcf.set_node_supply(i,r[i])
for j in J: mcf.set_node_supply(lenr+j,-c[j])

#--------------------------------------------------------# solve#--------------------------------------------------------

print(f'nodes:{mcf.num_nodes()}, arcs:{mcf.num_arcs()}')



Appendix: min-cost flow GAMS implementation






  'nodes' /i1*i20000,j1*j500,src,snk/




* e is populated below



* Original data




  i(v) /i1*i20000/

  j(v) /j1*j500/ 



set a(i,j'randomly filled with 10% ones';

a(i,j)$(uniform(0,1)<0.1) = yes;


calculate rows and column sums

parameter rowsum(i), colsum(j);

rowsum(i) = sum(a(i,j),1);

colsum(j) = sum(a(i,j),1);


parameter r(i),c(j);

r(i) = ceil(rowsum(i)/2);

c(j) = ceil(colsum(j)/2);



populate arcs in network



e(a) = yes;

e('src',i) = yes;

e(j,'snk') = yes;

e('src','snk') = yes;


parameter supply(v) 'supply at nodes (demand is negative supply)';

supply('src') = card(a);

supply('snk') = -card(a);



min cost flow



alias (v,w);

positive variable f(v,w);


* non-default bounds on arcs

f.up(i,j) = 1;

f.lo('src',i) = r(i);

f.lo(j,'snk') = c(j);


variable 'objective';



   obj        'objective'

   nodebal(v) 'node balance'



obj.. z =e= sum(a,f(a));

nodebal(v).. sum(e(w,v),f(e)) + supply(v) =e= sum(e(v,w),f(e));


model m /all/;

m.solprint = %solprint.Silent%;

option threads = 0;

solve m minimizing z using lp;

display z.l; 


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