Here, I want to revisit a particular model from [1]:
Model 3: Quadratic Preemptive Model |
\[\begin{align}\max\>&\color{darkred}z_{model3}=\sum_p \color{darkred}z_p \\ & \color{darkred}z_p = \sum_{p',g} \color{darkblue}{\mathit{pref}}_{p,p'}\cdot \color{darkred}{\mathit{assign}}_{p,g}\cdot\color{darkred}{\mathit{assign}}_{p',g} \\ & \color{darkblue}z_{model2}^* \le \color{darkred}z_p & \forall p\\ & \sum_g \color{darkred}{\mathit{assign}}_{p,g} = 1 & \forall p \\ & \sum_p \color{darkred}{\mathit{assign}}_{p,g} = \color{darkblue}{\mathit{groupSize}} & \forall g \\& \color{darkred}{\mathit{assign}}_{p,g} \in \{0,1\}\end{align}\] |
Cplex was especially behaving strangely. This deserves a bit more investigation. \(\color{darkblue}z_{model2}^*\) is a constant (it is the objective function value of an earlier model; in our case \(\color{darkblue}z_{model2}^*=0\)). The model as specified here, where \(\color{darkblue}z_{model2}^* \le \color{darkred}z_p\) is implemented as a lower bound on \(\color{darkred}z_p\), is refused outright by Cplex. The message is:
The name zpdef refers to the quadratic constraint. Indeed, it is not convex. It can be linearized, however. Cplex only wants to try linearizing quadratic terms when they are in the objective. Why? I am not sure. We can trick Cplex into accepting the model by replacing the lower bound with an explicit constraint. This allows Cplex to make the quadratic constraint convex. Which means:
- Making it an inequality. Any quadratic equality constraint is non-convex.
- Convexify by making the quadratic coefficient matrix positive semi-definite. This can be done by perturbing the diagonal. In this case: add \(v\) times the diagonal, where \(-v\) is the most negative eigenvalue. To compensate, we can add a linear term using \(-v\cdot x^2\), which is, in this special case, the same as \(-v \cdot x\). For binary variables, we have \(x_i=x^2_i\).
---- 182 PARAMETER report performance statistics MIQCP MIQCP MIQCP MIQCP MISOCP MIP Baron Antigone SCIP Cplex Cplex Cplex Variables 253.000253.000253.000253.000253.0001279.000 Equations 79.00079.00079.00079.000115.0003157.000 Nonzeros 1735.0001735.0001735.0001735.0001771.0008713.000 Status optimal intsol optimal nosolution intsol optimal Objective 79.00079.00079.000 NA 74.00079.000 Gap% 0.01099.986 Time 10.2701901.00042.0007215.4073.141 Nodes 1.0003.0001269.000597571.0006207.000 Iterations 1.000123268.0006.176701E+7200181.000
- For some models, quadratic formulations are very natural.
- It is interesting to see that global, non-convex MINLP solvers are doing a much better job on the original non-convex problem than Cplex on the convexified problem.
- I believe Cplex never linearizes constraints, only the objective. Obviously, if Cplex had linearized instead of convexified, it would have done infinitely better on this model.
- The behavior and design decisions behind some solvers remain a mystery to me.
- Equity in optimization models,
Appendix: GAMS Model
Investigate Cplex performance on model 3 of
option mip=cplex, miqcp=cplex;
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * problem size *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Set p 'persons' /person1*person36/ g 'groups' /group1*group6/ ;
abort$(card(p)/card(g)<>round(card(p)/card(g))) "number of persons should be a multiple of number of groups";
alias (p,p1,p2);
sets ne(p1,p2) 'off diagonal' lt(p1,p2) 'strict triangular' ; ne(p1,p2) = ord(p1)<>ord(p2); lt(p1,p2) = ord(p1)<ord(p2);
scalar groupsize 'number of persons in each group'; groupsize = round(card(p)/card(g));
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * random sparse preferences *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
option seed = 45634; parameter pref(p1,p2) 'preferences of person p1'; pref(ne)$(uniform(0,1)<0.15) = uniformint(-3,3); option pref:0:0:4; display pref;
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * reporting macros *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
parameter report(*,*,*) 'performance statistics'; option report:3:1:2;
acronym optimal,nosolution,intsol;
$macro statistics(m,name,desc) \ assign.l(p,g) = round(assign.l(p,g)); \ option assign:0; display assign.l; \ report('Variables',name,desc) = m.numvar; \ report('Equations',name,desc) = m.numequ; \ report('Nonzeros',name,desc) = m.numnz; \ report('Status',name,desc) = m.modelstat; \ report('Status',name,desc)$(m.modelstat=1) = optimal; \ report('Status',name,desc)$(m.modelstat=8) = intsol; \ report('Status',name,desc)$(m.modelstat=14) = nosolution; \ report('Objective',name,desc) = m.objval; \ report('Gap%',name,desc)$(m.modelstat=8) = 100*abs(m.objval-m.objest)/abs(m.objval); \ report('Time',name,desc) = m.resusd; \ report('Nodes',name,desc) = m.nodusd; \ report('Iterations',name,desc) = m.iterusd; \ display report;
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Non-convex Model v1 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
scalar z2 'previously found objective value for obj2' /0/;
variable zp(p) 'sum preferences for each person' z1 'obj value for obj1' ;
binary variable assign(p,g) 'assign person to group';
equations obj1 'obj: maximize overall sum preferences' zpdef(p) 'quadratic constraint: sum preferences each person' eassign1(p) 'each person is assigned to exactly one group' eassign2(g) 'size of group' ;
obj1.. z1 =e= sum(p,zp(p));
zpdef(p1).. zp(p1) =e= sum((p2,g),pref(p1,p2)*assign(p1,g)*assign(p2,g));
* assignment constraints eassign1(p).. sum(g,assign(p,g)) =e= 1; eassign2(g).. sum(p,assign(p,g)) =e= groupsize;
* we want to enforce * z2 = smin(p,zp(p)) * or * z2 <= smin(p,zp(p)) * they are the same in practice zp.lo(p) = z2;
model m1/obj1,zpdef,eassign1,eassign2/;
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Solve with global MINLP solvers and Cplex *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
option miqcp = baron; solve m1 maximizing z1 using miqcp; statistics(m1,'MIQCP','Baron')
option miqcp = antigone; solve m1 maximizing z1 using miqcp; statistics(m1,'MIQCP','Antigone')
option miqcp = scip; solve m1 maximizing z1 using miqcp; statistics(m1,'MIQCP','SCIP')
option miqcp = Cplex; solve m1 maximizing z1 using miqcp; statistics(m1,'MIQCP','Cplex')
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Model v2 * replace lowerbound by explicit constraint *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
* remove lowerbound zp.lo(p) = -INF;
* introduce constraints instead equation lobnd(p); lobnd(p).. z2 =l= zp(p);
model m2/m1,lobnd/;
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Solve with Cplex * assumption: convexified and solved as MISOCP *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
option miqcp = Cplex, reslim = 7200; solve m2 maximizing z1 using miqcp; statistics(m2,'MISOCP','Cplex')
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Model v3 * handcrafted linearization *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
* reinstate lowerbound zp.lo(p) = z2;
positive variable assign2(p1,p2,g) 'assign combo (p1,p2) to group'; assign2.up(p1,p2,g) = 1;
equation zpdef2(p) 'linearized version of zpdef' lin1(p1,p2,g) 'linearization of assign(p1,g)*assign(p2,g)' lin2(p1,p2,g) 'linearization of assign(p1,g)*assign(p2,g)' lin3(p1,p2,g) 'linearization of assign(p1,g)*assign(p2,g)' ;
zpdef2(p1).. zp(p1) =e= sum((p2,g),pref(p1,p2)*assign2(p1,p2,g));
set nz(p1,p2) 'pref<>0'; nz(p1,p2) = pref(p1,p2);
lin1(nz(p1,p2),g).. assign2(p1,p2,g) =l= assign(p1,g); lin2(nz(p1,p2),g).. assign2(p1,p2,g) =l= assign(p2,g); lin3(nz(p1,p2),g).. assign2(p1,p2,g) =g= assign(p1,g)+assign(p2,g)-1;
model m3 /obj1,zpdef2,lin1,lin2,lin3,eassign1,eassign2/;
*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Solve with Cplex *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
option mip = Cplex; solve m3 maximizing z1 using mip; statistics(m3,'MIP','Cplex') |